The Chinese Government Controls Social Media

The Chinese government controls the microblogging or social media to prevent what they call the spread of currents of thought wrong. They closed the account belong to the authors and intellectuals that highlight social injustice.
microblogging popular

Strict censorship in China social media makes public debate. However, local authorities look the boost control. Campaign recently alerted the public who spread rumors and asking users to register with real names.

The Guardian reported tightening is seen as a broader ideological campaign of the new leader. Party officials instructed the government to cope with western values ​​and potentially dangerous threat.

The South China Morning Post newspaper reported last week the university was told not to teach seven subjects including universal values​​, civil rights, and the error of the Communist Party.

Media warned not to use foreign news content without permission from Chinese regulators. News from informants, freelancers, NGOs, and other commercial organizations may not be republished without full verification.

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